The US Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) Test Method CPSC-CH-C1001-09.3 [1], is used by testing laboratories for the determination of phthalate content in children’s toys and child care articles covered by the standard set forth in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act Section 108.
Modern capillary GC injection generally uses the universal dual mode split/splitless injection port or inlet in which the pneumatic mode is selected at the outset. The inlet is maintained at a sufficiently high set temperature to allow instant vaporization of the sample after deposition in the inlet liner (usually 4mm i.d.) Of course this explosive vaporization is associated with the well documented undesirable phenomenon of needle discrimination. If analytes are in aqueous solution another effect is induced by the very high saturated vapor volume of water compared to other solvents. A 1 μL injection of water in hot splitless mode will give a vapor volume greater than the retaining capacity of the liner and can inhibit the subsequent vaporization of analytes.
This study shows the use of the GERSTEL MPS 2/TDU/CIS with pyrolysis module for generating simulated thermal gravimetric-mass spectrometry data (TGA-MS) of polymer samples. This mode of operation is also referred to as evolved gas analysis (EGA).
Acrylamide is thought to be produced during the roasting process associated with coffee production. Acrylamide has been labeled as a probable human carcinogen. Due to the use of roasted coffee beans in making coffee and the high consumption of coffee worldwide, brewed coffee...
Comparison of EG-Silicone-SBSE and Derivatization-PDMS-SBSE for the Analysis of Phenolic Compounds and Off-flavors in Water.
This application note describes a fully automated analysis method for selected equine doping compounds in equine urine. A GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS) with Disposable Pipette Extraction (DPX) option is employed for extraction and cleanup. After gas chromatographic separation the analytes are detected by a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer (QqQ-MS).
A procedure is presented for quantification of Ethyl Carbamate at low μg/L levels in distilled spirits. A 100 μL large volume injection was used followed by orthogonal 2-dimensional GC-MS with heartcutting. The direct large volume injection ensured sufficient availability of analyte without an initial sample preparation step,
Identification of important trace components in complex samples like fragrances, natural products, polymers or food products can be challenging. Achieving the mass on column and resolution necessary to locate peaks and identify trace components using a single column chromatographic separation can be difficult, if not impossible.
Evaporative Concentration of Substances Listed in the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC and 2008/105/EC). A Performance Comparison Between an automated System and a Manual System.
The ability to perform accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis of perfumes or flavored products is essential to the flavor and fragrance industry. Especially when unknown samples need to be analyzed, traditional methods of GC analysis often lead to only qualitative results and...